Thursday 12 September 2013

"It’s a statement of our passion and geekery”- Toni Darling

I feel like the people who are most involved in the fashion of fictional characters are cosplayers. They have to analyse the style of the person they want to impersonate to create their costume. This is why I asked some cosplayers about their opinions on the subject.

The lovely Toni Darling replied to me and shared her very interesting views and her incredible story of how she got into the cosplay scene.

Toni Darling is a professional cosplayer who is best known for her Thor crossplay. To the question of how she got into cosplaying she wrote her amazing story of how a google search changed her life:

“ I got into cosplaying about a year and half ago while looking for things to do. I had recently moved to Mesa AZ and had very few friends; I was bored and just looking for something interesting to do! I think I googled 'geeky stuff in phoenix' and I happened to come across an add for a zombie bikini contest. I thought to myself “the kind of people who will go to this event are probably the kind of people I want to make friends with”, so I went. I didn't win but I met Jim Miller of New Mutiny Media and he got me involved in the Geek Community in AZ, and the rest is history! I went from being an on air personality, to a model and eventually a cosplayer. Now I cosplay professionally.“

To the question of how her style changed through becoming a cosplayer she answered:

I have always had very little fashion sense. I was always very plain when it came to my wardrobe unfortunately, but then again I grew up in rural upstate NY. Cosplay has influence what I wear in four ways:
1.       Because I am constantly training to look like Thor, I am always in athletic gear.
2.       The more immersed in geek culture I become, the more my wardrobe reflects that- event Tee Shirts, geeky leggings, wonder woman converse etc. are examples of the things I collect at different events. I went to 15 events last year and will probably make about 30 this year, and I usually grab a piece of clothing from every event.
3.        I am getting better at sewing and since I also run my own fitness and cosplay business, I have several business outfits I am now modifying to reflect my geekdom- currently I am working on adding a marvel themed fabric to a lapel of one of my suit coats.
4.        Now that I model, I have collected several more fashionable pieces to wear on shoots and out and about. Living in Hollywood- it is a necessity to dress to impress and I have slowly adapted my country bumpkin look to be a bit more sophisticated. 

I dream of one day having the skill to create an entire clothing line based on cosplay. Until then, I will support those who are already doing that. I think that cosplay influencing fashion is a great thing and there needs to be much more of it. Because it’s fashion that has more of a purpose than simply looking good- it’s a statement of our passion and geekery.”

I find her story and her opinion very inspiring. And I really want her to succeed in what she does so go check her out at

Till next time! Bye!

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